Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the rainbow nation during the world cup

it is an open secret that sport in south africa has always been racially divided partly because of the previous regime but also because of the financial aspect of it. for instance it costs more money to play golf or cricket than it is to play soccer or netball hence we still find today that rugby is still dominated by whites.

it is equally interesting to find that during the FIFA would cup lots of whites in south africa suddenly supported soccer alongside their black fellow citizens but during PSL games we hardly see them at soccer mathes. one is not implying that whites were not supposed to be a part of the event but the point is they acted a "unted front" but we all know they never supported bafana some went as far as suporting European teams during the world cup.

south africans were mislead and told that the world cup would bring a lot of capital for the poor population but the reality was that only FIFA official patners really benefited, for instance you could'nt get a pepsi inside that stadium because Coca Cola was the official partner. i was personally one of the many south africans who were informally selling to visitors beverages and one has to point out the appalling conditions these people, myself included has to work under. some exists were closed for "security" reasons channelling costomers to one direction hecne most informal traders went back home with most the food.

while black south africans were working hard to make a living and taking opportunity of the world cup there were many measures in place to prevent black people from benefiting in any way, for instance some people stood at traffic lights to sell flags etc but some advocated that these people be arrested why because thay are blcak and they are not FIFA official partners....

its also amazing that white and black south africans stood behind their team but soon after the world cup, everything got back to "normal" blacks went back to making more money for the white elite and the whites still cotinue to exploit blacks. lastly, foreigners were suposed to have an african experiece but i doubt they did casue they were more whites in soccers city than ever before. why? because tickets were expensive to a point that only a few blacks could afford them. why? becuase you are Black!!


  1. Well written son. I however have a question, should we blame white people for FIFA rules? Was it not the government of the day (ANC) who submitted to such?

  2. well i am saying that the government acted as an agent for the capitalist FIFA thats all
