Thursday, August 26, 2010

Intitutions of higher learning for the rich?

it is an open secret that access to higher learning in south africa and africa generally is higher. this is because of many variables which for the sake of space and time we shall not discuss here. one burning issue though is access, funding and maintaining students that are already in high intitutions of learning by giving financial, moral, academic and other forms of support for african students. it is for this reason some student movemnet organisation exist, to give support to needy students.

it is estimated that -4 out of ten students in first year actually graduate. is'nt it interesting? south africa in particular spends a considerable amount of the budget on education, health and skill development yet we still dont get the desired results. for instance upfront payment at Wits university in 2004 was below R3,000 yet in 2010 it was R6,600 and again it is suggested that next year it will incerase to + - R7,300. this is a clear indication that education is becoming commercial at the expense of poor south africans. although it has been said that this will not affect students on national financial student aid scheme (NFSAS) it was not metioned that NFSAS is not a busary but a loan! the suggested increment in the upfront payment was given no justification as far as the students are concerned, besides that the university is running at a deficit.

recently the SRC president Bafana Nhlapo and many others in the university have been individually taken into disciplinary hearings but what is more interesting is that they are representing student political organisations yet they are prosecuted individually? this is a deliberate attempt to indermine and intermidate the possibility of a strike this year and we will be told to bend over and we would....NEVER. when universities run out of  funds  the easiest way out is to increase fees yet Vice-Chancellors recieve bonuses from the the board, have private chefs in their offices among other poorly justified benefits.

if education is commercialised, any logical person knows what it means. it means more academic exclussion for poor black students on the basis that they cant pay their fees, blocked students cards and education will only be available to those that have money. when we black students protest we are excluded and undermined by disciplinaries that are aimed at weakening the unity of students....sadly many of these ideas are not spoken of in public cause you never know who is listening because you might end up not even finishing your degree and go back to the poverty you so desperately ran away from. where do we go to? im scared!! i want my mummy.... 

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