Wednesday, August 25, 2010

how and why money is created?

out of all the intitutions in the world from religious, to culltural and political institutions only one institution in the world is not challeged, The monetary systerm! ever wonder who creates money? how money is created and why? well, the answer is simple! the monetary system has been created in a sense that no one questions its legitimacy. i mean ever wonder what is sustainable about anything in this capitalist world? nothing! from the shoes you wear, the car you drive, sadly even theenviroment you live in.

modern money machanics was a document sent to the sanate in the USA and it begins by stating its objetcive "The purpose of this booklet is to describe the basic process of money creation in a "fractional reserve" banking system". it then continues what overwhelming economic terms to explain how money is created and what gives money "value". basically say the USA needs $10 billion it makes an application to the federal reserve to loan them the money but whats interesting is that the USA also prints impressive notes and calls them " bank reserves" and just like that the US has $10 billion more on their money supply! so whats the point? the point is the US makes a loan but never actually pays the loan back! so money is created out of debt! in other words debt is money and money is debt...

take it like this, every note of money ypu have in you wallet is owed to somebody by somebody. meaning if every one in the world including business and governments managed their budgets well, there would be no single note available in circulation. what this means is everysingle one of us is working for banks, you make a deposit of $100 in the bank the bank keeps a "fractional" of 10 % to be available to you and then the 90% is available for new loans. this simply means that money can only be created out ot debt, meaning there will always be people in our societies who are poor and in debt. i mean the monetary system makes sure that you work and not have enough money so you can go work again next month to pay off the things you could not afford to pay last month.

economists use big terms like inflation, hyperinflation, defaltion  and other terms that an avarage person like you and i cant understand. for instance inflation simply means "a persistent, substantial rise in the general level of prices related to an increase in the volume of money and resulting in the loss of value of currency". get it, zimbabwe today had hyperinflation meaning high inflaation because they had printed more money which made their money to lose "value". funny isnt it? so who decides what currency had value and which one does? i am afraid that one does not have all the answers but the point is that it is high time that intitutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the reserve bank (of any country starting with the US), the federal reserve and other such intitutions be questioned on legitimacy and what gives them the right to take one money reserve 10% of it and make someone a loan out of someelses money and still charge interest on the money they never owned in the first place. less than 5% of the worlds money supply actually exists the other +90% exists in computers only. so if that is the case it means that some pockets in our societies will always be left out, simply because the money is not there for everyone! who usually gets left out? you got it right...the Black and uneducated.  so how can be solve problems of unemployment, poverty, femine and stavation if there is not enough money in the first place?

keep this in mind money is debt and debt is money. why? the answer is simple you are working for banks and fore-mentioned intitutions and as long as they exist there will be pepertual debt. but is'nt this slavery? you said it! is to make YOU the  UNEDUCATED BLACK to be poor and in debt so you would keep working for them!

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