Monday, November 15, 2010

Ramaphosa, i am disappointed!!

okay, i admit i dont know what to write about because all weekend i have not been felling well i mean i thought i was hear broken...but i have been able to read a few newspapers and to my attention the article by some white journalist who come from a rich white school speculation about how my hero Mandla Lamba is a successful business man yet the alligations of corruption and crime still hang over his head. lol think about it, a black man who is only twenty-five years old yet a "billionaire" of course that sounds suspicious right? i know what you thinking ha ha ha. in the same sentence not in south africa right? well i think its high time that if indeed the man is guilty of fraud misrepresenting himself let the law take its cause. however it is very interesting to find that already the media in south africa which is majority foreign owned is already judging the man!  and check who is writting about him well the only reason im writting this is because i admire the man and im disappointed in Mr. Ramaphosa for going public without even making contact with Mandla to find out. however the questin should be why is the media reporting that mandla resigned when he did'nt? why is he not arrested? what are the charges and why are they only known to CITY PRESS? if the allegations are truth against him why the F*** is he still free? oh well the man is said to be God fearing and humbled, so the truth shall come out soon enough.. but make up your mind and do not believe everything you read in the media in the majority foreign owned. perhaps the proposed media tribunal should come in so that the media can stop lying to us.

white journalist (above) Jacques Pauw

God fearing succesful business man  (below)
okay technology failed me anyways here links to check his photos out... and maybe to read on more about this young man who is an inpiration to me