Monday, September 6, 2010

plan to destroy black power?

it is an open secret that south africa was or is a racially divided country and that the 1994 elections and the TRC did not heal all of the pain black people suffered and people like Desmond Dudu are the one that made whites to undermine us even more. you disagree? okay every one is entitled to their own opinion so here's mine.

In 2005 a white farm owner fed his black employee to lions! dont believe me? here's a link and you would think he was arrested right. i mean thats what the law says well you are wrong. he was later released ITS ALRIGHT CAUSE ITS ALL WHITE . a lot of white people still live confortable lives at the expense of blacks why cause 1994 did nothing for the poor black majority who still live in "informal settlements". later a group of boys in the University of free-state humiliated our black mothers by 'an initiation' according to the media and they also got away with and some black people like the university's vice-chancellor still persisted on "reconciliattion" and "forgiveness" but funny enough non of the boys  asked for forgiveness or looked remoseful for their actions cause they knew they cant go to prison cause the law protects them and their right to education.
most recently, a metro (Black) police officer was brutally killed by a rugby player with his feasts and yes the rugby player is free and spending time with his family and kids which the poor black metro officer was  denied by the white beast! i how the fuck do you hit someone so hard until his last breathe and still be able to live with yourself?  how is it justified that a white man feeds a black poor man to lions and lives free? four university students feeding blacks women cleaners shit and still get away with it?  just because they can offord the best lawyers? who is the law protecting? is it protecting the ordinary man on the street or the man with a lighter skin pigmant and thicker wallet? this is a plan to destroy black people and if this is war BRING IT ON!! cause we wont stand being killed and humiliated by whites just because people like Johathan Jansen, Desmond Dudu and many more still preach reconciliation and forgiveness just because they are not directly affected by poverty, poor service delivery, battles to get better education for their children and all the struggles black people are faced with on a daily basis. Desmond Dudu do you still remember "when the white man came we had the land, they had the Bibble, now we havethe bibble and they have the land"? some people claim that we have political freedom and not economic freedom, I THINK WE HAVE NOTHING! beacause the law protects the white and the rich!   this is a struggle and it only just began and the black man will have the ball....once more. only if we believe we can then we will! fuck all whites who still think they are better in anyway to black people!! fuck you and your money! fuck you and your Grandfathers who took our land! fuck all of you!! and to all whites who still try and accomodate and uplift blacks.....fuck you too cause you are steps ahead of us so we can't be talking about equal oppotunities if you are steps ahead so fuck you too!!